Catalogue excerpt with cover, front page and table of contents of the Hong Kong Artists: The Early Generation exhibition in 1978.
CHAN Hoiying, 陳海鷹,  CHAN Lui, 陳雷,  Luis CHAN, 陳福善,  CHANG Chunshih, 張君實,  CHAO Shao-an, 趙少昂,  CHEN Shousoo, 陳學書,  CHENG Karchun, 鄭家鎮,  CHEUNG Siushek, 張韶石,  CHOU Konglei, 周公理,  CHOW Yatfung, 周一峰,  HO Pingchung, 何秉聰,  KAN Maytin, 靳微天,  LAU Taipo, 劉大步,  LEE Fuhung, 李撫虹,  LEE Manshek, 李曼石,  LEUNG Pakyu, 梁伯譽,  LIN Jentung, 林建同,  LU Wuye, 陸無涯,  LUI Longluk, 雷浪六,  NG Kuhung, 吳孤鴻,  PANG Chapming, 彭襲明,  SHAW Lisheng, 蕭立聲,  TSANG Mary M., 馬瓊仙,  YANG Shanshen, 楊善深
Chinese - Traditional, 
Hong Kong Artists: The Early Generation — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt), 香港前輩藝術家 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
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Hong Kong Artists: The Early Generation — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt), 香港前輩藝術家 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)

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