Catalogue cover of the Contemporary Prints by Chinese Artists exhibition in 1973. The exhibition was initiated by Wucius Wong while the panel of judges was formed by Dr Li Chu Tsing, Mr Kwong Yeu-ting and Mr John Hadfield.
CHAN Suishan Peter, 陳瑞山,  Gaylord CHAN, 陳餘生,  CHEUNG Yee, 張義,  CHIN Sung, 秦松,  CHOU Lu Yun Irene, 周綠雲,  CHOU Ying, 周瑛,  CHU Weibor, 朱為白,  FANG Hsiang, 方向,  HA Bik Chuen, 夏碧泉,  Peter Peitak HO, 何彼達,  HON Chi-fun, 韓志勳,  HSIEH Lifa, 謝里法,  HWANG Dennis,  KAN Tai Keung, 靳埭強,  KWONG Yeuting, 鄺耀鼎,  LAU Kamhung, 劉錦洪,  LAU Tinyum, 劉天任,  LEE* Shiche, 李錫奇,  LEUNG Kui Ting, 梁巨廷,  Chutsing LI, 李鑄晉,  LI Ki Kwok Victor, 李其國,  LI Waiying, 李慧凝,  LIAO Shiou-Ping, 廖修平,  Muhue LIM, 林木化,  LIN Swallow Yan, 林燕,  LO Chifai, 盧志輝,  Thienshih LONG, 龍田詩,  Fohsang LOO,  NG Siukam, 伍兆金,  O Shiuwai, 柯韶衛,  PANG Tsinmo, 彭展模,  Cissy PAO, 包陪麗,  PO Franklin, 布錫康,  TAM Kitman, 譚傑文,  Cheetoh TAY,  Walasse TING, 丁雄泉,  TONG King Sum, 唐景森,  TONG Shingchi, 唐成志,  Anna WONG,  Wucius WONG, 王無邪,  WU Hao, 吳昊,  YU Saikin, 余世堅,  ZAO Wouki, 趙無極,  ZIE Yongder, 施養德
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Contemporary Prints by Chinese Artists — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt), 當代中國藝術家版畫 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)

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