This interview is part of the Hong Kong Art History Research - Pilot Project, a collaboration between Asia Art Archive and Hong Kong Museum of Art. It was conducted at Wucius Wong's studio on 1 August 2013.
Wucius Wong (b. 1936, Guangdong, China)
As a founding member of the Modern Literature and Art Association, Wong played a key role as a nodal point in the network of exchange between Hong Kong and Taiwan through exhibitions and writing. From 1967-1974 Wong also worked as Assistant Curator at the City Hall Museum and Art Gallery where he curated many exhibitions on and of ‘modern art.’
In this interview Wong shares his experience of curating in the Museum of Art, which was founded in 1962, recounting some of the memorable early exhibitions for a museum in the making. This interview also considers Wong’s exchanges between Taiwan and Hong Kong in 1960s.
Wong lives and works in Hong Kong.
Simon Chiu worked in the Hong Kong Museum of Art from 1988 – 1993 and left the museum as Assistant Curator I (Modern Art). During his tenure, he curated various exhibitions, including the Hong Kong Artist Series (1990-2) that featured artists as Ha Bik-chuen, Leung Kui-ting, Cheng Wai-kok, and Wang Siu-ling. Chiu is the programme director of Art Farm, a Hong Kong-based art education institute that collaborates with different partners to provide outreach art activities and training for young people.
此訪談為 香港藝術史研究 ─ 先導項目的一部分。訪談於2013年8月1日在王無邪工作室進行。
現代文學藝術協會 (1958 – 64)創會會員之一,並且與當時活躍於台灣的藝術團體關係密切。王無邪的著作甚多,並舉辦和參與展覽活動,是1960 – 70年代港台兩地交流的關鍵人物。1967 – 74年間任職大會堂博物藝術館助理策展人,負責策劃有關「現代藝術」的展覽。
是次訪談主要探討王無邪於大會堂博物美術館策展的經歷,以及1960 – 70年代香港與台灣在藝術上的互動和交流。
趙錦成 於1988 – 93年任職香港藝術館離職前為一級助理館長(現代藝術),負責有關現代和香港藝術的展覽。在香港藝術館任職期間,參與策劃《香港藝術家系列》展覽(1990-2),展出的藝術家包括夏碧泉、梁巨廷、鄭維國和王少陵。現職藝坊兒童藝術創作坊項目總監,致力向兒童和青少年推廣美術活動。
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