Hans van Dijk Archive 戴漢志檔案
Fu Zhongwang 傅中望

1 Document
Ye Niu, 野牛
On the Historical Commanding Heights of 1999 — A Textual Response to Fu Zhongwang's Mortise and Tenon Art Exhibition
在一九九九的歷史制高點上 — 對傅中望的榫卯藝術展的文字提示Ye Niu, 野牛

1 Document
ZHU Bin, 祝斌
Implication of the Mortise and Tenon Structures by Fu Zhongwang
傅中望榫卯結構雕塑的啓示ZHU Bin, 祝斌

1 Document
LU Hong, 魯虹
Two-way Option Two-way Deconstruction — Fu Zhongwang's Mortise and Tenon
雙向選擇 雙向解構 — 關於傅中望的榫卯結構LU Hong, 魯虹