The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Extramural Studies 1975 香港中文大學校外進修部 1975
'Drawings & Prints by John Li Tung-Keung' Held at 9/F Hang Seng Building Carnarvon Road, 李東强繪描版畫展 在加拿芬道恒生大廈九樓舉行

Clipping from Wah Kiu Yat Po, published in March 1975, on the exhibition 'Drawings & Prints by John Li Tung-Keung'. The clipping was found in a Kodak box titled 'The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Extramural Studies 1975 香港中文大學校外進修部 1975' by Ha
Title type
Access level
Chinese - Traditional
Publication/Creation date
Mar 1975
Source of publication
Wah Kiu Yat Po, 華僑日報, Mar 1975
Content type
Collection Access/Use
Rights statement
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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.
'Drawings & Prints by John Li Tung-Keung' Held at 9/F Hang Seng Building Carnarvon Road, 李東强繪描版畫展 在加拿芬道恒生大廈九樓舉行

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