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Ping Closes the Cultural Gap

Nov 1973
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A Glimpse of the Hong Kong Art Scene

LEE Tze Leung Terence, 李梓良
9 Aug 1984
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Over Thirty Painters Join the 'Charity Through Art' Exhibition

「善向藝中行」畫展 卅餘畫家共襄善舉
20 Mar 1986
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'The Collection of Leaves' Ha Bik Chuen Holds Solo Exhibition

8 Oct 1986
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Exhibition of Recent Works by Ha Bik Chuen Organised by Alisan Fine Arts

Oct 1986
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Transforming Withered Leaves and Rags into Art

Oct 1986
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Young Artists from China Shun Politics in Art

大陸新派青年畫家 力求作品不染政治
3 Nov 1986
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Exhibition of Photography by Lang Jingshan and His Family

8 Dec 1986
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Seeking a New Starting Point for Chinese Art - the Visions and Practices of the Chinese United Overseas Artists Association

為中國藝術尋求新的起步 — 中國海外藝術家聯盟的理想與作法
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Thoughts on Nanshan

HA Bik Chuen, 夏碧泉
5 Nov 1987
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(Impression about Flaming Mountains)

HA Bik Chuen, 夏碧泉
6 Nov 1987
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The True Artist?

CHUI Tze Hung, 徐子雄
17 Sep 1988
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Landscape Paintings by Wang Jiqian

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Photography Competition on Artworks by Henry Moore
