Joint Exhibition by Sculptors 82, 雕塑家作品聯展 82

An exhibition documentation album of Hong Kong Sculptors Association's first exhibition in 1982 inside a photograph storage bag with handwritten title 'Joint Exhibition by Sculptors' (雕塑家作品聯展) along with another album of the same exhibition from shelf 275 in Ha Bik Chuen's studio.
All shelf numbers in Ha Bik Chuen's studio are allocated by the AAA research team.
CHEUNG Yee, 張義,  CHU Hing Wah, 朱興華,  CHU Hon Sun, 朱漢新,  Faising CHUI, 崔輝成,  HA Bik Chuen, 夏碧泉,  KO Wahman Norman, 高華文,  LAU Yaukuen, 劉有權,  LEE Fook Wah Aries, 李福華,  LI Ki Kwok Victor, 李其國,  Antonio MAK, 麥顯揚,  O Shuiwai Samuel, 柯韶衛,  POON Suiwah, 潘瑞華,  TONG King Sum, 唐景森,  VAN Lau, 文樓
Chinese - Traditional
artwork documentation, 
event photograph/recording
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Joint Exhibition by Sculptors 82, 雕塑家作品聯展 82

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