Compilation of Articles on Nasreen Mohammedi

This is a compilation of articles on Nasreen Mohammedi, received by Gulammohammed Sheikh.
It includes:
'MISS NASREEN ASHRAF'S ART EXHIBITION' by Ahmed Qasim Al-Sunni, in March 1966;
'NEW TRENDS IN MISS NASREEN ASHRAF'S 2ND EXHIBITION' by Ahmed Kassim Al-Sunni, on 13 July 1969;
'Nasreen As a Conceptualist' by Kailash Thakur;
'NASREEN MOHAMMEDI - An Analytical Study' by Kim Reddy;
'Nasreen Mohamedi' by Pria Karunakar;
'The art of Nasreen Mohammedi' by Nibha Joshi, published in Weekly on April 16, 1972;
'Subtle, yet complex' by Nikki Ty-Tomkins Seth, published in Sunday Observer on November 14, 1982;
'Preoccupation with light' by Roshan Shahani, published in Indian Express on November 30, 1983;
'Humming Discs: The Art Of Nasreen' by Geeta Kapur, published in Times of India, on February 25,1987;
'A Sufi in contemporary art' by Prema Viswanathan published in People, on May 27, 1990;
'एक खाली कैनवास छोड़ गयी है नसरीन, Nasreen has left an empty canvas', published in Samwaad on June 10, 1990;
'Nasreen as I knew her' by Sumati Gangopadhyay';
'Innate lyricism' by Dnyaneshwar Nadkarni;
'Pleasure and pain of a painter' by Keshav Malik, published in Times of India, May 1990;
'Requiem to a friend' by Geeta Kapur, published in Economic Times, May 1990;
'From Yogic Depths' by Kumar Srinivasan, published in The Times of India;
'Nasreen's drawings have colour and rhythm', published in The Times of India;
'Far from the visual noise' by Ashish Rajyadhaksha;
along with other articles.
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Compilation of Articles on Nasreen Mohammedi

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