Green Papaya Art Projects Archive
Funding Sources

1 Document
1999 Contract between Cultural Section of the French Embassy in Manila and Norberto Roldan
May 1999
1 Document
2001 Fixed Term Employment Contract of Graphic Designer
Contrat D'Engagement D'Un Graphiste A Duree Determinee2001

1 Document
4 Apr 2002
2002 Agreement between Cultural Service of the French Embassy in the Philippines and Norberto Roldan Design
Convention entre Le Service de l'Ambassade de France aux Philippines et Norberto Roldan Design4 Apr 2002

1 Document
9 Apr 2003
2003 Agreement between Cultural Service of the French Embassy in the Philippines and Norberto Roldan Design
Convention entre Le Service de l'Ambassade de France aux Philippines et Norberto Roldan Design9 Apr 2003