Big Shanti

Oil on canvas painting entitled Big Shanti, created from 1982-84.

Excerpt from Kamala Kapoor, The Art Of Vivan Sundaram, Lustre Press, Roli Books, New Delhi, 2002:

'Here the bold body language of the woman exudes pent-up anger and bitter strength. Unlike the still forms in some of the artist's other works, this one resonates with feeling and aggressive visuality. The colours show little of their usual tonal nuances and textual treatment, as the backgrounds and atmosphere give way to a close-up portrait of the powerful mother figure, also seen in the far distance in Guddo, an earlier canvas.'

Access level


Publication/Creation date

1982 – 1984

Creation place



Oil on canvas


199.39cm x 110.49cm

Content type

artwork documentation

Rights statement

In Copyright

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Big Shanti