This is the manuscript of an essay that was published in body.city: siting contemporary culture in India.
A shorter version of this essay was published subsequently in Migrating Images: Producing - Reading - Transporting - Translating.
Navjot ALTAF,  Atul DODIYA,  Shilpa GUPTA,  Jitish KALLAT,  Bhupen KHAKHAR,  Nalini MALANI,  Ram RAHMAN,  Raghu RAI,  Raqs Media Collective,  Sharmila SAMANT,  Dayanita SINGH,  Raghubir SINGH,  Vivan SUNDARAM,  Vasudha THOZHUR
globalisation,  urbanism,  identity,  Global South,  postcolonialism
subTerrain: artists dig the contemporary (Long Version)
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subTerrain: artists dig the contemporary (Long Version)

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