Excerpt from 'Wang Gongxin & Lin Tianmiao website' (http://wanggongxin.com/):
'The artist digs a hole several meters deep in his house, and in the hole he plays a videotape that he shot in Brooklyn, New York. On the screen there’s nothing but the blue sky. The video work deals with the one-way watching and understanding of the west and the east. The clear sky seems to imply the indifference of those who are being watched towards those who are watching, while a persisting hollow voice seems to indicate the watchers’ complicated psychology: ''What are you looking at? What is there to look at'' This work expresses the west’s watching attitude towards the east.'
Bu Lu Ke Lin De Tian Kong
1-channel video Installation (TV set and audiotapes, colour, stereo)
Depth: 350cm
artwork documentation
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The Sky of Brooklyn - Digging a Hole in Beijing, 布魯克林的天空

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