Events Files 事件檔案
"Event Files" is comprised of two subseries. The first, "Dal Lago Participated as Organiser," contains ephemera, photographs, and artist portfolios of five exhibitions between 1990 and 1993, including Recent Works: Art by Zhang Peili and Geng Jianyi Since 1991 (Beijing, 1992), and Passage to the East of 45th Venice Biennale; and 'Other Events,' which contains documents of events in China and abroad between 1986 and 2004, with the bulk of materials about contemporary art events in Beijing and Shanghai during the 1990s, including some of the significant events in the history of contemporary Chinese art, such as 'Garage Show' (Shanghai, 1991), 'China's New Art, Post 1989' (Hong Kong, 1993), 'Phenomena and Image' (Hangzhou, 1996), '310 Jin Yuan Road' (Shanghai, 1998), 'Post-Sense, Sensibility, Alien Bodies' (Beijing, 1999), and 'Art for Sale' (Shanghai, 1999). The collection also includes over 200 printed items of exhibitions and a small number of photographs of art venues in China.
29 Folders, 477 Records