International Association of Art Critics Hong Kong Branch Inaugural Conference, 國際藝評人協會香港分會創會會議

Hong Kong Art and Criticism in Transition, 
William CHEUNG, 張鳳麟,  HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基,  KING Chialun, 金嘉倫,  LAM Hon Kin Andrew, 林漢堅,  LAU Kin Wai, 劉健威,  LEUNG Po Shan Anthony, 梁寶山,  Ellen PAU, 鮑藹倫,  Paul SERFATY,  TSANG Tak Ping Kith, 曾德平,  Eric Otto WEAR, 華立強,  Ada WONG, 黃英琦,  Wucius WONG, 王無邪,  YIM Shuiyuen, 嚴瑞源,  Danny YUNG, 榮念曾
Chinese - Traditional, 
International Association of Art Critics Hong Kong Branch Inaugural Conference, 國際藝評人協會香港分會創會會議
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International Association of Art Critics Hong Kong Branch Inaugural Conference, 國際藝評人協會香港分會創會會議

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