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From the Courtyard House to the Skyscraper

Vom Hofhaus zum Hochhaus
7 Oct 1997
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Cities on the Move 1 — Advertisement

26 Nov 1997
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Building Sites of Asian

Chantiers D'asie
15 Dec 1997
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Cities on the Move 1 — Advertisement

15 Dec 1997
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Cities on the Move 1 — Advertisement

19 Dec 1997
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Museum in Progress

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Supercorridor Beyond Postmodernism: Chinese Megacity: Exhibition, Poster Campaign and Discussion in Berlin

Superkorridore Jenseits der Postmoderne: Chinesische Millionenstadte: Ausstellung, Plakat-Aktion und Diskussion in Berlin
22 Apr 1998
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Asia's Big City Blossoms

Asiens Großstadtblüten
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Museum in Progress Brochure

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Press Coverage Schedule for 'Cities on the Move 1'