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Deep, dark water — Brochure

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HENRY BOND: Deep, dark water — Press Release

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District Six —Image and Representation

28 Oct 1995
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Hong Kong — A proposal of a book project (an exhibition in a book)

HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
Nov 1995
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Hong Kong: An exhibition in a book — Proposal

HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
Nov 1995
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Digitised materials

Rivka Rinn Or Liu Or Some(Any)One Else ...

HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
Nov 1995
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Correspondence from Tinie Kerseboom to all participants interested in the Hong Kong project

HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
2 Feb 1996
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Letter From Simon Watkinson, 5 March 1996

5 Mar 1996
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Hong Kong Project by Apolonija Sustersic to Hou Hanru & Tinie Kerseboom — Proposal

6 Mar 1996
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Letter from Antoine Berghs to Hou Hanru, 12 April 1996

12 Apr 1996
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Fax from Karin Straathof to Hou Hanru, 15 May 1996

15 May 1996
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Extract from 'Hong Kong' meeting, 28 May 1996

28 May 1996
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Hong Kong, etc., 12 June 1996 — Curatorial Statement (draft)

HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
12 Jun 1996
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Postcard from Fiona Tan to Hou Hanru

Fiona TAN
22 1996
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Drained IV

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Manifest of Death/ Cemetery of Youth

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The Architectural Decorum of the Hong Kong SAR

17 Jan 1997
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A Study for the Implantation of Contemporary Art Site of Paris Rive Gauche

Une Etude pour l'Implantation d'Art Contemporain Chantier de Paris Rive Gauche
22 Mar 1997
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Anchoring the Earth's Water Evolving in Space Time

S'Ancrer Dans L'eau La Terre Evoluer Dans L'espace Temps
CHEN Zhen, 陳箴
22 Mar 1997
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Letter from Girane? to Hou Hanru, 26 March 1997

26 Mar 1997