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Avant-Garde with Old Traditions

Avant-garde Med Gamle Traditioner
11 Nov 1993
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China Avantgarde

Kinesisk avant-garde
11 Nov 1993
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China Avantgarde Exhibition

11 Nov 1993
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New Screams from China

Nye skrig fra Kina
11 Nov 1993
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Chinese Art in Klædefabrik

Kina-kunst i Klædefabrik
12 Nov 1993
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China Avantgarde in Odense

16 Nov 1993
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Art in China

Kunsten i Kina
17 Nov 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 18 November 1993

18 Nov 1993
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Contemporary Art in China Today

Moderne kunst i dagens kina
19 Nov 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 19-25 November 1993

19 – 25 Nov 1993
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Chinese Art

23 Nov 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 25 November 1993

25 Nov 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 27 November 1993

27 Nov 1993
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China Avantgarde-Art

Kinesisk avantgarde-kunst
Nov 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, November 1993

Nov 1993
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Socialism or What-

Socialisme-eller hvad
1 Dec 1993
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New Imagery of China

Kinas nye billedverden
2 Dec 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 11 December 1993

11 Dec 1993
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News on China Avantgarde, 29 December 1993

29 Dec 1993
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Young Chinese Art in Odense

Ung kinesisk kunst i Odense
Dec 1993