Instructions for the Audience
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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Instructions on settings for the performance at the House of World Cultures by Cui Jian
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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Instructions on settings for the performance by COBRA at the House of World Cultures
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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Instructions on settings for the performance by Dream at the House of World Cultures
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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Letter from Anna Jacobi to Chen Xiaoyong, 30 January 1993
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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Letter from Chen XIaoyong to the House of World Cultures, 25 January 1993
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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New Music from China — Leaflet
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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Short biography of Cui Jian
China Avantgarde Exhibition Archive 《中國前衛藝術》展覽檔案.Music 音樂 1 Document
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