Venue |
Date |
Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong | 香港藝術中心包氏畫廊 |
27 – 31 Dec 1983 |
Aser BUT, 畢子融, 
CHEUNG Takshing, 張德成, 
CHU Hing Wah, 朱興華, 
Gaylord CHAN, 陳餘生, 
LAM Manchung Andrew, 林敏驄, 
LI Ki Kwok Victor, 李其國, 
LUI Fung Ngar Eddie, 呂豐雅, 
TONG King Sum, 唐景森, 
Related collection

Exhibition Catalogue
Visual Art Society 10th Anniversary Exhibition
CHAN Manhung, 陳萬雄, CHU Hing Wah, 朱興華, Gaylord CHAN, 陳餘生

1 Document
The Visual Art Society 10th Annual Exhibition VAS 83
視覺十年展 VAS 83

1 Document
The Visual Art Society 10th Annual Exhibition — Catalogue
視覺藝術協會第十屆年展 — 圖冊

1 Image
No. 123 The Visual Art Society 10th Annual Exhibition 27 December 1983
No. 123 視覺協會10年展 27 December 1983