Venue |
Date |
East China Normal University Campus, Shanghai, China | 華東師範大學 |
1 Sep – 1 Oct 1993 |
Inspired by the performance work 'Notice for Missing Person' by Zhu Fadong, Zhou Zixi initiated a new collective work titled 'Searching Campaign' between September and October 1993 at the East China Normal University Campus. Together with four other students (All students had graduated in '92 at the university except Zhu Feng who was still attending classes at the time), they planned for one person to disappear each day while the rest of the group would post missing person announcements around the school campus. This was to continue for five days until the whole group had disappeared except for Zhu Feng and then have a collective poster announcing their disappearance.
The second part of the project was for the Shanghai Immediate Court of Law to officially announce their disappearance and by extension, the school would also have to release a statement regarding it. The group hoped that the school would expel the students due to their absence from classes. The group also planned to announce the abandonment of the notion to find the missing people under the name of their class and that there was no need to contact the class even if those missing were found.
However, the project was halted by the intervention of the school after the first two days, in which two of the participating artists quit due to the pressure.
Related collection

A History of Exhibitions: Shanghai 1979–2006 上海展覽史:1979-2006

Searching Campaign: Related Material 7

Searching Campaign: Related Material 2

Searching Campaign: Related Material 1
ZHOU Zixi, 周子曦

Some Remarks on '93 Searching Campaign'

Announcement: Zhou Zixi and Two Other Students Expelled From School