Venue |
Date |
Experimental Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong | 香港藝術中心實驗畫廊 |
20 Jun – 24 Jul 1998 |
Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong | 香港藝術中心包氏畫廊 |
20 Jun – 24 Jul 1998 |
20/F, 廿樓, 
AU Ka Wai Patrick, 歐家威, 
CHAN Chihang Ray, 陳志恆, 
CHAN Ka Chun Richard, 陳家俊, 
HO Yuen Leung, 何遠良, 
LAU Ying, 劉瑩, 
LEUNG Wanyee Janice, 梁允怡, 
LIU Chiwai, 廖志偉, 
Luke CHING, 程展緯, 
NG Chiwai, 吳志偉, 
NG Tsz Kwan, 吳子昆, 
NG Wai Ming Andy, 吳偉明, 
Phil Shek, 石明輝, 
SIT Lik Hoi, 薛力愷, 
WAN Lai Kuen Annie, 尹麗娟, 
YAN Pat To, 甄拔濤, 
YAU Puiwah, 邱佩華, 
YEUNG Waikeung, 楊偉強, 
‘Lo Ting’ is an allegorical half mermaid half human figure originated from Lantau Island, Hong Kong. By situating Lo Ting against the backdrop of Hong Kong’s handover to China, ‘Hong Kong Reincarnated: New Lo Ting Archaeological Find’ explores the credibility of the official narrative of Hong Kong history and as to whether there is a unique Hong Kong identity to be cultivated and preserved.
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Hong Kong Reincarnated: New Lo Ting Archeological Find (Set of 51 Photographs)

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