Venue |
Date |
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | 香港大學美術博物館 |
12 – 29 Jan 1994 |
Jane BURRELL, 珍比露, 
Katherine Ann MAHONEY, 馬可妮, 
LEUNG Koon Ming Jakie, 梁冠明, 
LI Wei Han Rosanna, 李慧嫻, 
MA So Mui, 馬素梅, 
Related collection

1 Document
First Exhibition of Hong Kong Modern Ceramics Society

1 Image
No. 008 Clayworks by Hong Kong Contemporary Ceramics Society 12 January 1994
No. 008 香港當代陶藝協會首屆會員作品展 12 January 1994

1 Image
No. 009 Ceramics Exhibition Exhibition of YEUNG Sauying Camille and TAM Shukching 14 January 1994
No. 009 陶藝展 楊秀英譚淑青作品展 14 January 1994