Interview with Esther Liu by Leung Chiwo Warren
In the second part of the recorded interview, Esther Liu says that she once again began to understand and appreciate Hong Kong’s culture and environment after returning to Hong Kong. Compared to the past, Hong Kong began to boast a burgeoning art scene. At the same time, Liu worried that the younger generation of artists lacked sensibility and imagination, as they blindly learned to practise artistic styles (00:00–13:00). Liu admits that she seldom went to local exhibitions because the quality of local works varied. When asked about the definition of Hong Kong art, she says Hong Kong art encompasses different traditions, such as Chinese ink wash painting and Western painting, each tradition has its own history and representative works, so it would be difficult to come to a conclusion on such a complicated topic. Moreover, if a local culture is circulated widely, then it will lose its uniqueness (13:00–22:00). In the last part of the interview, Liu stresses that she is unwavering in her style of art, and hence she refuses to be labelled as representative of the art from a particular place (22:00–25:42).
在訪問的第二節,廖氏表示自回港後才重新了解和欣賞香港的文化及環境,本地藝術發展也較以往活躍,但擔憂年輕一代在學習上只懂盲目堆砌,卻缺乏感性及想像 (00:00-13:00)。廖氏又坦承因本地作品質素參差而少看本地展覽。另外被問及香港藝術的定義,她表示香港藝術涉及傳統水墨畫和西洋畫等不同派別,各有論述和代表性,因而很難以為此複雜議題作定論,更認為本土文化若被廣泛流通則失去其獨特性 (13:00-22:00)。訪問末段,廖氏強調她忠於自己的藝術風格,拒絕代表某個地方藝術和被標籤 (22:00-25:42)。
Hong Kong,  oral history
interview documentation, 
event photograph/recording
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