This is the catalogue for Wucius Wong’s solo exhibition at Hanart Gallery in 1994. The landscapes presented here are governed by geometry and informed by Wong’s theories of graphic art, a craft he has been practising alongside painting. As Chang Tsong-zung writes, ‘Nature is seen to be a kaleidoscope of fragments, intricate and unreal… For the artist (Wucius Wong), one of the delights of art is to decipher the code which underlies the world of illusory forms. He unshrouds the misty mountains, peels them of their protective layerings of forests and streams; he analyses and dissects the undulating ridges. At the secret heart of nature, he lays bare a geometry of mountains and rivers which, through its own theorems and corollaries, pulsates with the life of his art.’ This publication includes both Wong’s oil and ink paintings, and a biography of the artist.
本圖錄所示的是王無邪於1994年在漢雅軒展出的作品。這批山水畫以幾何構圖為主,充分體現了本身精於美術設計的王無邪所奉行的創作理論。張頌仁在評論中指出:「王無邪山水之樂得自他自成的一套理趣規律。掀開山嵐煙霞,脫盡林木叢篁,析解石脈山脊;王無邪於山水之外獨立發明一套構造原則。類似幾何學的法理統攝了這些山水的肌理。…… 他畫中的大自然是個碎片反射重叠而成的萬花筒,精密而虛幻。」本書亦收錄了王無邪的油畫和水墨畫,並附有他的簡歷。
Chinese - Traditional, 
ink painting,  oil painting,  landscape,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
The Pulsating Geometry of Wucius Wong / 幾何山骨: 論王無邪的藝術 - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
Wucius Wong, 王無邪

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