'"THE" Survey Exhibition' was curated and organised by C&G Artpartment in 2018 to celebrate its 11th anniversary.
Apart from the exhibition, visitors are invited to reply to a questionnaire for their feedback on the exhibition and their favourite works. An auction was held on the last day of the exhibition, in which the relevant tools and items used by the participating artists to create the exhibits were open for bidding at a base price of one HK dollar.
This publication documented the activities around '"THE" Survey Exhibition', colour plates of work are accompanied by description and artist biography, with essays by Jaspar Lau, Vivian Ting and Anthony Leung provided.
Chinese - Traditional
Appendix 1: Opening of 'THE' Survey Exhibition / 附錄一:《「最」大展》展覽開幕
Appendix 2: 'THE' Survey Exhibition Discussion Forum / 附錄二:《「最」大展》討論會
Appendix 3: 'THE' Survey Exhibition Guided Tour/ 附錄三:《「最」大展》導賞團
Appendix 4: 'THE' Survey Exhibition Floorplan / 附錄四:《「最」大展》展覽平面圖
Appendix 5: 'THE' Survey Exhibition Questionnaire / 附錄五:《「最」大展》問卷調查
Appendix 6: One-dollar Auction / 附錄六:一蚊拍賣
Appendix 7: "The Most Chemical" Solo Exhibition from 'THE' Survey Exhibition / 附錄七:《「最」大展》之「最化學」個展
'THE' Survey Exhibition /《「最」大展》
'THE' Survey Exhibition Activities / 《「最」大展》活動簡介
'THE' Survey Exhibition Artworks / 《「最」大展》作品介紹
Images from 'THE' Survey Exhibition /《「最」大展》展覽現場
"THE" Articles /「最」特邀文章
"_" /「_」 - LAU Kin Wah Jaspar, 劉建華
Is General Knowledge in Art as Trivial s You Think? Queries about "Not as Trivial as You Think: Hong Kong Art Quiz" / 藝術常識不尋常? 「床下底」藝術常識問答比賽的疑惑 - TING Wing Yan Vivian, 丁穎茵
Art is the Extension of Home: A Field Observation of C&G Artpartment / 藝術是家的伸延—C&G 藝術單位田調觀察 - LEUNG Po Shan Anthony, 梁寶山
According To This CHART, We Found 'THE' Artists / 就是根據此表找「最」藝術家
About C&G Artpartment / C&G藝術單位簡介
What does this mean?
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