HyperDesign will reconsider the possibilities inherent in three major understandings of design: artistic design, design for daily life and social design. Artistic design includes all manners of artistic production methods, with a design and production process that allows for artists' conceptual and aesthetic sensibilities. Design for daily life refers to every individual's urge to plan his or her own life, and to the idea that only through this sort of daily life planning can the individual throw off the constraints of systematization and utilitarianism. Social design refers to the conceptual thinking and planning of Chinese and foreign social idealist, past and present, aimed at conceptual structuring and planning of human society. It is both a utopian dream and a historical conspiracy.' - extracted from the introduction.
Images of works in the present catalogue are accompanied by individual texts, and are divided into three sections Design and Imagination, The Practice of Everyday Life and Future Constructions of History. Artist biographies are provided. Please note that only Asian artists are listed below.
「第六届上海雙年展以『超設計』(HyperDesign) 為主題概念,針對設計這一當代視覺文化的重要元素,探索設計作為美學形式、生活方式與社會歷史模式的複雜、交錯的內涵,旨在凸顯當代藝術對功能性對象與美學對象、造物術與烏托邦之關係的深入思考。
HUANG Du, 黃篤, 
LIN Shumin, 林書民, 
Gianfranco MARANIELLO, 
RHEE Wonil, 이원일, 
Jonathan WATKINS, 
XIAO Xiaolan, 肖小蘭, 
Chinese - Simplified, 
installation,  design,  painting,  sculpture,  multimedia art,  perennial exhibition,  group exhibition
The Crisis of Design and the Mission of HyperDesign - XU Jiang, 許江
The Undesignable - ZHANG Qing, 張晴
HyperDesign: Life, Imagination, History - HUANG Du, 黃篤
De-Sign of the Time - Gianfranco MARANIELLO
ShangHigh - LIN Shumin, 林書民
Art and Design and Everything Else - Jonathan WATKINS
Hidden Realities and Representations within a Guaranteed Certainty - RHEE Wonil, 이원일
HyperDesign: A Theme of Going Beyond - XIAO Xiaolan, 肖小蘭
Shanghai Biennale 2006: HyperDesign, 第六屆上海雙年展: 超設計

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