Open Cities: HKG><ord< i=''> was an exhibition of video works by artists from both Hong Kong and Chicago. It proposed varied looks at the city as site of inspiration, backdrop, and transformation in a time of rapid global change. Chicago and Hong Kong are taken as representatives of contemporary global cities. This exhibition asks how globalisation (in its myriad manifestations) contaminates, and/or replicates the local. The show was curated by four international curators and artists: Tsong-zung Chang, John Di Stefano, Elaine Ng, and Ellen Pau.
這次展覽以「開放的都市」為題,展現的是香港和芝加哥藝術家的錄像作品。這次活動的議題是,在全球快速變遷之際,我們應從多重視角來觀察城市,並視之為靈感的泉源、創作的背景和蛻變的場所。是次展覽中,芝加哥和香港均被視作現代國際大都市的代表。「開放的都市」亦促使我們思考反省,探討無孔不入的全球化趨勢正以何等方式侵佔及 / 或複製本土文化。是次活動的策展人是張頌仁、John Di Stefano、伍穎瑜及鮑藹倫,他們均是國際知名的策展人和藝術家。
Chinese - Traditional, 
video art,  gender,  group exhibition
From Distraction to Disappearance: Some Notes and Fragments - John Di STEFANO
Open Cities: HKG>

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