From the mid 1980s onwards, Leung Kui-ting abandoned the techniques of producing special visual images by rubbing or dyeing paper, and turned to the use of traditional ink-and-brush technique. He also turned to painting landscapes. The works presented in this catalogue are results of Leung’s explorations. Splashed and saturated ink methods are frequently used whereas linear configurations and brushwork are kept to a minimal. Shapes of mountains and rivers are now visible, but precise representations of trees, woods, huts, bridges and temples are often omitted. As the Chinese art historian, Lang Shaojun, writes, ‘This is not those landscapes with the perception of nature in the artist’s heart, but are landscapes that come from unbound artistic imaginations with an abstract touch.’ A biography of the artist is included.
自八十年代中開始,梁巨廷摒棄了用揉搓或印染紙張來營造特殊視覺效果的技法,轉投傳統筆墨的懷抱。與此同時,他亦開始涉足山水畫。本圖錄展示了梁巨廷多方面的探索成果。中國藝術史學家郎紹君曾說過,梁巨廷「多用潑墨與積墨,少筆法與線條。…… 可以看清山形、水形 (如瀑布) ,但無近景林木,房舍舟橋和庵堂蘭若。…… 這不是『造化在心』生出的山水畫,而是全由意造、彌漫着抽象意識的山水畫。」本圖錄亦載有梁巨廷的簡歷。
Chinese - Traditional, 
ink painting,  landscape,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
The Art of Ink Painting: Leung Kui-ting | 梁巨廷的水墨畫 - LANG Shaojun, 郎紹君
Leung Kui Ting: Black & White, 梁巨廷:黑與白

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