Chinese - Traditional
gender,  group exhibition,  China,  Taiwan
Heaven and Earth - Marianne PITZEN
The Half of the Sky: about this exhibition - Chris WERNER
Encounter: Experiences in East and West - QIU Ping, 邱萍
Chinese Women Artists of the 20th century - JIA Fangzhou, 賈方舟
The Great Break Up: Developments and tendencies 1978-1998 - Andreas SCHMID
Inner rooms, Outer rooms: Women's art in Taiwan - YANG Weni, 羊文漪
Foreign Bodies: About installations of Chen Yanyin, Shi Hui, Qiu Ping, Shen Yuan and Hu Bing - Theresa GEORGEN
The Room of the Women Artists - XU Hong, 徐虹
Singing the Holy Song Openly in One's Heart - CHI Ying, 赤媖
The Gap Between Male and Female in Chinese Contemporary Art - Xiaoping LIN
Half of the Sky, Die Hälfte des Himmels

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