This is the catalogue for the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 1996.
131 works by 125 artists are featured in this exhibition and the present catalogue, with highlights of the Award Winners of the year, including: Tien Chi, Yip Man-yam, Yung Ho-yin, Tang Ying-chi, Leung Kit-ling, Kum Chi-keung, Au Ka-wi, Ho Siu-kee, Leung Chi-wo and Yu Tsz-man. With adjudicator's reviews by Wucius Wong, Geoffrey Clarke, Lynne Cooke, Barabara London, Katherine Mahoney, Kong Kai-ming, Bai Xu, Tsang Wing-kwong, Cheng Kar-chun and Lang Shaojun.

Access level


Location code
EXL.HGK.HKB.1996 (Hong Kong Room)

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages


No of copies


Content type


Chapter headings

Reflections on the Adjudication of the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial 1996 - Wucius WONG, 王無邪

Biennial '96 Hong Kong: From England with Respect - Geoffrey CLARKE

The Biennial of Hong Kong: A Juror's Impressions - Lynne COOKE

Recent Impressions - Barbara LONDON

Contemporary Hong Kong Ceramics - Katherine Ann MAHONEY, 馬可妮

A Few Words on the Biennial '96 - Kong Kai Ming, 江啟明

Discussions on the Calligraphic Works in the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial 1996 - BAI Xu, 白煦

My Personal Views - TSANG Wingkwong, 曾榮光

New Realm in Chinese Painting - CHENG Karchun, 鄭家鎮

Some Thoughts on the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial 1996 - LANG Shaojun, 郎紹君

Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 1996
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Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 1996, 當代香港藝術雙年展 (1996)

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