Annual Group Exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Chow Yatfung, Rong Shushi, and Chao Shaoan in 1961 — Invitation, 何漆園、周一峰、容漱石、趙少昂1961年聯展 — 邀請函

Invitation to the annual group exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Chow Yatfung, Rong Shushi, and Chao Shaoan in memory of Mr. Gao Qifeng.
The exhibition was held at St John's Cathedral Hall in 1961.
Selected by Wong Kum as material shared for Hong Kong Art History Research Project — Phrase II in 2015.
先師高奇峯先生逝世二十七周年紀念聯合畫展 — 邀請函
CHAO Shao-an, 趙少昂,  CHOW Yatfung, 周一峰,  HO Chatyuen, 何漆園,  RONG Shushi, 容漱石
Chinese - Traditional
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Annual Group Exhibition of Ho Chat Yuen, Chow Yatfung, Rong Shushi, and Chao Shaoan in 1961 — Invitation, 何漆園、周一峰、容漱石、趙少昂1961年聯展 — 邀請函

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